Svetla Margaritova-Vuchkova
Associate Professor of Criminology, Burgas Free University, Faculty of Legal Studies
Address: 62, San Stefano Blv, Burgas-8000, Bulgaria
Master of Law at Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”
1978-1981: Specialization in crime prevention / PhD from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University (Russia)
1981 – 1995 Researcher at the Council of Criminological Research at the General Prosecutor’s Office, Bulgaria (specializing in the prevention of female and juvenile delinquency). In the course of duties, she took active role in the development of a number of crime prevention strategies.
In 1995 Ms. Margaritova acted as an ad hoc government agent on the first cases against Bulgaria before the European Court of Human Rights;
2006-2007 Expert at the Commission on Human Rights, at the Parliament of Republic of Bulgaria
Since 2012: Associate professor of criminology at the Burgas Free University.
Ms.Margaritova is an active participant in various working groups tasked to draft legislative amendments and has prepared numerous expert comments on draft legislation to the attention of the Parliament of Republic of Bulgaria. Since 2000, in her expert capacity, she supports numerous projects implemented by the „Bulgarian Lawyers for Human Rights“ foundation /BLHR/ and has prepared applications to the European Court of Human Rights as a lawyer. Ms. Margaritova is a Chair of the Board of the Foundation since 2014. She also acts as an Info point for Bulgaria for the European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal professionals network (at the Council of Europe).
Teaching and tutoring
Ms.Margaritova teaches criminology, legal thinking and legal protection under the European Convention on Human Rights. She is also a lecturer on human rights associated topics at the Attorneys Training Center.
Selected Scientific books and articles
Conformity of life imprisonment with art. 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights- Legal Collection, Volume XXI, Bourgas Free University, 2014, p.31-53;
The European protection order and mechanisms for its transposition in the Bulgarian legislation. In: The European protection order. Its application to the victims of gender violence,2015,Tecnos, Universitat Rovira I Virgili,Tarragona and Universitat Autonoma de Barselona, p. 163-175
Criminology and Crime in Bulgaria – In: Mapping the Criminological Landscape of the Balkans: State of Art in Criminology and Crime with an Expedition into the Criminal Landscape of the Balkans. Getoš Kalac, A.-M., Albreht, H.-J. & Kilchling, M. (eds.) (2014).Balkan Criminology Publication Series Volume BC 1. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. in coop. with University of Zagreb – Faculty of Law and Duncker & Humblot, Berlin,p.p. 113-138;
The right to a fair trial. In: Fundamental rights and freedoms. Manual. Sofia., 2014, p. 48-69 /electronic edition –
The judgements of the European Court of Human Rights against Bulgaria – balance of the 2013, Law Review, No 2, 2014, p. 3-14;
The right to higher education and the limits of its restriction by the State in the light of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Tarantino and Others v. Italy. In: Knowledge – traditions, innovations, perspectives, Bourgas Free University, Volume II, 2013, p. 47-52;
Analysis of the Statistical Data about the Motion of the Bulgarian Applications before the European Court of Human Rights. In: Law Review,No 7, 2012, p. 30-36;
About the Nature of the Decisions on Admissibility of the European Court of Human rights. Law review No.9, 2011, p. 27-33;
Correctional measures, related to the minors and adolescents offenders /monograf/, Sibi Publishing, Sofia, 2011, 238 p.